Natyashastra and nine emotions (Navarasa)
Navarasa Natyashastra is an ancient Indian Sanskrit text on performing arts. Although, lite rally, natya-shastra means drama-study, Natyashastra is not limited to drama. In fact, it encompasses a whole gamut of dance, drama,music and poetics, embellished with rich mythology. Spanning across 36 chapters and more than 6000 verses, Natyashastra is an encyclopedic work covering topics from structure of a play and the construction of a stage to genres of acting, body movements, make up and costumes, role and goals of an art director, grammar, the musical scale and what not. *;* What are the nine emotions? The tantric tradition recognizes nine Rasas that represent our basic emotions: Love, Joy, Wonder, Courage, Calmness, Anger, Sadness, Fear, and Disgust. *;*What is Rasa in dance? Perhaps the most important chapter of Natyashastra is Chapter 6- The Rasa Theory. In the Indian performing arts, a rasa is a sentiment, mood or emotion evoked in ...